Cleaning and Analysis of the Causes of the Flashing Screen of the Liquid LCD Display Screen Protection Film

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Cleaning method for LCD display screen protective film

Currently, electronic products sold on the market are generally equipped with screen protective films, but after using them for a while, it will be noticed that there is a lot of gray on the screen, especially for those who use laptops.

Firstly, you can consider using an LCD display screen protector cleaning solution to make the screen surface cleaner. It is worth noting that do not attempt to wipe the screen with a soft cloth or tissue, as this can easily scratch the LCD screen protector, which is very delicate.

In addition, you can also choose a special soft fiber cloth for wiping the LCD display screen, which is softer than normal cloth and can better clean and protect screens.

Since the cost of an LCD display screen can sometimes account for 2/3 of the entire electronic device’s cost and the price is relatively high, you must pay attention to the cleaning method and not take it for granted. It is easy to scratch the protective film, and if you need to replace the screen protector, it is not worth it. Therefore, you must be careful when cleaning and develop a good habit of regular and timely cleaning.

Liquid LCD Display
Liquid LCD Display

The causes and solutions of LCD display screen flashing

The frequency itself is too high to cause flicker

However, in real life, devices rarely flash due to high frequencies. According to industry technical personnel, people’s naked eyes cannot feel the flicker if the frequency is higher than 60hz. Still, the basic design standards of most LCD display monitors are within this date range, and under normal circumstances, there will be no frequency. It is too high, but there is no denying that the screen itself may have problems. Relevant instruments indeed indicate that the screen itself is faulty. In addition to replacing a new monochrome LCD screen, software related to the device has also been designed.

Solutions to screen flashing

The best way is to increase the IC’s OSC frequency to see if the Liquid LCD Display flickers. Of course, if the LCD screen has separate row and column drivers, the settings of the driver chips can also be adjusted.

LCD screens flicker when the screen’s frequency is similar to the frequency of the light source, which is common. Due to different light source frequencies, flickering is also common in certain specific situations when the LCD screen’s frequency is similar to the artificial light source’s frequency.

The solution to Liquid LCD Display screen flicker is to use an artificial light source or LCD screen equipment to avoid flicker.

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